Aren't there more pressing issues going on, not only in the American culture but also the world as a whole. What about the millions of people that die from cure-able disease everyday? Or the injustice that happens everyday on the LGBT community.
Your talking about the same age group of kids that are committing suicide on a daily basis because they are being bullied about their sexuality, whether they are gay or not.
Honestly, it is idiots like him that make me wish I was a feminist. I find that comment to sound like something I would expect a hetero man to say. That however doesn't not mean that other people don't say that as well. I'm sure there is some butch lesbian some where wishing the same thing. But please, take a step back, and look at who you were at 16.
Looking back at the point in time in my life I couldn't handle that responsibility. Even though I had a brief encounter with a man who was well in the same age rage as this one. I was a super hot mess. And with luck being on my side and his ass in jail (again), I got myself out of that situation.
Now I' sure this individual was purely innocent by his words. And was simply going off on a desire that he had. However, it makes me worried about a world that I my once raise my children. Are these the type of people that our future holds, if so, you can count me out for bringing life into this perverse world.
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