Monday, January 31

Today and the rest of my life.. or at leat this life.

It came to me the other day that with all things that go on in my life, my families life, and those around me, that I should share some of what I experience. And really whats more exciting then reading someone else's life. It's just that one moment when we can think of something other then ourselves. I've had a lot of life-altering occurrences in my 24 years of existence.
As I enter the ripe age of 25, I'm only certain that there are lots more to come. For example my current job. I work at an olive oil store. Aside from loving the art of cooking and loving retail jobs, it's the people I work for and the people that come in the store that make my job interesting. Much like working at The Fudgery, people get more then excited when they find us. Every concoction we put together at Devo, is a lot like putting on a show. The oohs and awe's come pouring from almost every customer. And of course you get the wise-ass' who will make some comment about it being "virgin". I rarely find anything like that funny, I guess it's just my lack of sense of humor or stupidity.
Though today's excitement includes making it home before the Winter Storm of 2011 hits, I find that almost everyday I think or do something that leads me into a new way of thinking. This blog will, if anything inturbitate that way of thinking, my life as a gay married black christo-pagan, my failures, my trumphs, and of course, recipes. Everyone is always asking for recipes, and this will be one of many places I will post them. I'll even try my hand at plate presentations just so you can see what my final product is. I can't guarentee that you'll like everything I say or do. But I can guarentee this, everything I say and do comes right from my heart. I'm an honest human being, with heart bigger then most, I give everyone a chance and hope that everyone does the same in return for me.
I hope you all enjoy what you are about to experiance.

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