Tuesday, February 1

There's no place like home... or the place that is now an igloo

When I woke up this morning I looked out my window, I didn't see a blizzard, no snow, no rain, just gray and the rock wall my building is up against. I thought, great I get to make the fun 45 minute drive up to Springfield and just when I get there the storm will hit... Wrong. I walked across the condo, looked out the spare  room window (which looks out to parking lot and front of the building), and there sits my car along with my neighbor's cars, getting pelted by what sounds like, what someone on Facebook said, sand.
I don't like snow, sleet, ice, freezing rain, blizzards, or wind storms, all of which I'm going to find more and more of once I move North. However, I find that this is the perfect time, to clean my house, listen to music, and ponder what it is I want to do once I move. What ended up happening was something that needed to be done, rearranging my condo.
Since Ronda left in October, things have pretty much stayed the same. All the memories of the series of events that caused her to move in with her parents, have lingered through out this place. It was time for change. Thankfully, I'm quite strong, and was able to move the couch to the other side of the room and the TV along with the DVD case to a corner diagonal from the couch.
After eating what I consider, the best Asian meal I've made, not realizing today is the start of the Chinese New Year, I bopped on the computer and started my music video adventure. One I do quite often finding new, old, random, and just down right craziness. Today I found what I'm considering my own personal wake up call. Not to the music industry (my heart already belongs there), but to help educate others about what they can find, once they start being true to themselves.
I've always said, I can do what ever I set my mind to. Why? Because I'm Alison, and I can! Jessie J reminded me of that. Our world isn't about being like everyone else just to make a dollar. Every song that is written isn't about what goes into someone's pocket. Just freedom of expression. One thing that seems to be lacking in our world today. I look at the generation younger then me, I see children growing up in a world where even today it's okay to discriminate; suicide is an answer to their problems; reading a book is a thing of the past with Ipads and Kindles; and who cares about being talented, I can become famous by being on a reality show.
Really. Since when does this look like the society we should be living in. No wonder our elders are bitter. We have it made. We have everything. Meanwhile, 60 years ago the Midwest was all dirt roads, kids still had to walk to school. Now a days, 16yr olds are getting $30,000 cars to drive to school and some 10yr old getting $200 cellphone; I'd be pissed too.
In light of it all, I will leave with this thought. If we are given one life to make a difference in the world, why do we spend most of it working? Wasting our precious time on earth for something, we can't even take to the grave? I don't know about you, but right now, things are looking pretty bleak for future generations. Who knows, they might have discovered a way to cure stupidity.

Ps. Tomorrow is the Pagan holiday of Imbolc and also Ground Hog's Day, which I'm pretty sure the storm is going his way, I don't think he'll want to come out of his hole. :)

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