Saturday, February 5

Slow and steady wins the race... or makes it down the snow covered hill.

Nothing is more nerve racking then heavy snow falling while driving on a road that is already packed with ice and snow. Talk about an adventure. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't live in an area that doesn't really care about cleaning off the roads. Makes me miss living in the 'real' Midwest. At least they clean the roads. But I'm fine with only have winter two months out of the year. I've been spoiled down in Missouri. Next winter will be a real treat living in South Dakota. At least I'll have someone else to keep me warm.

Over the last three days, I've had alot of time to really think about my life and the things that are true and have truth to me.  One of the most important of them being the ability to love unconditionally. Regardless of what we ourselves believe, what others believe, what they look like, who they are.  I know for many this isn't a new concept, its almost one of those unwritten rules that we follow regardless.. or do we? What stemmed this idea was watching my cat. I could be yelling at him one minute, but the next, he's siting right next to me on the couch, begging me to pet him. It doesn't matter what's going on, he see's me as the one who feeds him, gives him water, shelter, I play with him.  And I always have time to cuddle. Just like with most pets, they are always there to greet you at the door, next to you when your sleeping, and by far the best form of entertainment. For some, they are just an addition to the family.
I admit, I'm envious of my cat. To live his life, to not have a care in the world. I have everything taken care of, how ever, I'm not sure about having to depend on some one else to make sure it all gets done. I love having some sort of control. But who says our animals don't have control over us? In most, cat/human relationships, cat rule all. I have to say for an animal who sleeps during 80% of their day, they sure are bossy. I can't go into the kitchen, or do dishes with out  Mr. Ollie at my feet meowing. 9 out of 10 times asking for a treat.
In the end, though I love my cat and would love to have is sort of life, I wouldn't imagine missing out on the wonders that we as humans create. I only hope that maybe in a next life I'll get to be a cat. Who know's maybe we'll get to be litter mates :)

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